Agata Blaszczyk (Dr)
Country of residence: United Kingdom
Membership information
Member category: Associate Fellow
Research interests
Disciplines: Local/Regional History, Economic History, Political History (incl. History of Parliament/Government), History of Race and Ethnicity, Public History, Diplomatic/ Intelligence History, Heritage and Conservation, Military History/War Studies, Legal History/History of Law, Cultural & Social History
Time periods: 20th Century
Region: UK and Ireland, England, Scotland, Wales, Eastern Europe, Eurasia, Russia/USSR, Western Europe
Geographic focus
The Second Polish Republic, The Polish People's Republic
Additional information
Historical and cultural sources and the meanings of exile and forced migration; The significance of encampment, enclosures and forced settlement; World War II; Exiled Poles in post-war Britain; The origins of the Polish Diaspora in the UK; The Committee for the Education of Poles in Great Britain (1947-1954); The Polish Resettlement Bill of 1947, the first ever migration legislation welcoming (and supporting) foreigners, The Polish Resettlement Camps in post-war Britain; Student Life in Interwar Poland – Rehearsals for Democracy; The emergence of ethnic conflicts at Polish universities 1918-1939; The British government's response to the imposition of martial law in Poland and the Solidarity movement; Social structure and transformation in Central and Eastern Europe.