Gregory Finney (Mr)

Country of residence: Canada

Membership information

Member category: Postgraduate Member

Research interests

Disciplines: Diplomatic/ Intelligence History

Time periods: 20th Century

Region: North America, Western Europe

Geographic focus

My focus for my PhD is Canadian personal diplomacy with the United States and the United Kingdom during the Suez Crisis of 1956. My thesis supervisor is Dr. Graham Cross of Manchester Metropolitan University.

Additional information

I have had the chance to travel through Canada and United States in order to conduct my research. I have done research in Abilene, Kansas, New York City, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Toronto, Canada, and Ottawa, Canada. In the summer of 2025, I am going to visit the United Kingdom to conduct research at the British National Archives, the Imperial War Museum, and the University of Birmingham. I just recently published my first academic journal article in Issue 2 of the The Hive Journal titled: The Making of a Diplomat: Lester B. Pearson at Canada House London, 1935 to 1941. Here is a link to the the journal article through Manchester Metropolitan Universities Hive Journal webpage: I have also completed a presentation on for the Dwight Eisenhower Presidential Museum and Library on April 11th, 2023 which is on YouTube titled: Saying No to a Close Friend: Suez Crisis of 1956.